CV Ref No. CV Reference No. - 93770

Experience in multiple environments - colleges farm/4 commercial farms my knowledge/experience covers animal care, welfare/husbandry, preventative care, treatments, farm repairs. Experience with poultry, pigs, sheep and cattle. have run my own flock of 500 sheep

Qualifications and Experience
Relevant qualifications

BTEC, City and Guilds

Type of farming wanted

Mainly Livestock

Other qualifications


Driving Licence

Full Car Licence

Equipment experience

Tractor, Fencing

Livestock experience

Beef, Pig, Goat, Sheep, Lambing, Calving, Poultry

Other equipment experience

Basic tractor experience. Fencing repairs.

Other livestock experience

•Feeding, Watering livestock

•Mucking out, disinfecting and bedding down livestock shelters

•Lambing, drenching sheep and fly strike pour ons and vaccinations.

•Hoof trimming livestock

•Pasture management

•Weighing, Handling and moving livestock

•Administering medications and Record Keeping

•Plucking, Gutting and dressing poultry.

Creating and Maintaining records for livestock treatments/movements/deaths/servicing and farrowing records.

Experience gained with stock numbers - Pigs (300), Sheep (1000), Cattle (50), Horses (20), Poultry (2000) and various numbers of goats.

As well as running my own sheep and pigs

Personal information


Other Information




Marital status

In a relationship


United Kingdom

Where are you currently living?


First language


Do you have the right to work in the UK?


Other languages



Train my sheepdog, run 500 ewes but cutting back for family commitments

Pen picture (Height, weight etc.)


Relevant health problems


Farming background


December 2021 December 2021 (Seasonal worker)

As part of this job, I assisted in the plucking of all turkey, geese, ducks and chickens which were slaughtered within the on-site slaughter facility. The total number of birds prepared for sale was approximately 2000 birds. My other roles included the gutting and dressing the birds ready to be sold directly to the customer.


September 2020 September 2021

As part of my second year on the Animal Management Level 3 course I had work 1 day a week work experience here. Following this, I accepted a job with a different Farm in December 2020 and this was 3 days a week, I then started full time June 2021.

My tasks as part of this job were feeding, mucking out and bedding up pig pens (around 200 Gloucestershire Old Spot Pedigree/cross pigs), dealing with recently farrowed pigs, assessing if sows/gilts were ready to go across the boar, weaning piglets and moving pigs. As well as this I carried out stock checks on the sheep and turkeys (250) as well as dagging out, hoof trimming and worming all sheep. I implemented a new record system to allow animal records to be easily seen and everything important to be recorded.

I was in charge of running the lambing for this year for 50 Southdown lambing ewes, being involved in overnight stays, record keeping, castrations/docking, ear tagging and any required vaccinations. I also assisted with the births when required and was on call should there have been any issues that the vet students/work experience staff could not deal with.

I have as part of this work have independently driven the tractor and quad bikes on site.


September 2019 September 2020

As part of my first year on the Animal Management Level 3 course I had work 1 day a week work experience here. I also attended for a 2 week on site stay in which I gained a better working knowledge of the day to day running/tasks on a commercial farm.

I was offered and undertook weekend work by the owner, this consisted of collecting eggs, feeding both meat (200) and laying (800) chickens, stock checks on sheep (800) and cattle (50), feeding and bedding the Turkeys (60), general farm maintenance including cleaning out chickens houses, fencing checks, maintaining available water for the animals.

During my work experience I also got to drive the gator for general farm use, I was also given the opportunity to drive the tractor to top a field (under supervision).

Veterinary Hospital

October 2017 - 1 Week and January 2019 July 2019 - 1 day per week

I have attended this Vets for work experience whilst at school, in addition to this 1-week attendance I have also completed a further 1 day per week for 16 weeks as part of my Level 2 Animal Care course, in addition to this I continued this work experience beyond my course requirements for a further 8 weeks.

During this time, I have gained experience in animal handling, preparation for operations, assisting the vets in animal restraint.

Horse Riding Charity

October 2019 - Present

I volunteer at the charity every Monday evening.

My responsibilities are grooming/hoof picking, turning out, tacking up, cleaning tack, mucking out stables, occasional riding and assisting the riders.

For this role I have been DBS checked.


Start: 21/02/2025 Finish: Not Specified

Preferred region

West Midlands

Type of job


Where would you like to work?


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