Tractor driver looking for work on mixed arable with livestock or contracting Can do a wide amount of tractor work Done all kinds of loader operations and all aspects of trailer work, eager to Learn more. can do all tractor work livestock related .clean driving license. Wiltshire area.
Not listed
Mainly Arable, Mixed Farming
Level 2/3 agri apprenticeship
Full Car Licence
Tractor, Baler, Ploughing, Tracked Machine, Telehandler/Fork Lift, Fencing
Dairy, Beef, Sheep, Calving
New Holland fendt and John Deere tractors jcb loaders and class loader, can load spreaders all kinds of muck spreading bale care mowing tedding bale wrapping and small bit of round bailing 4 years ago, feeder wagon work and bedder machine all kinds of loader work
Done feeding milking basic health checks all kinds of stockduty
will need accomidation of some sort eather moble home or house/appartment as partner works from home along with two dogs
United Kingdom
spend time looking after my car and going places for dog walks
6,3feet tall
Mild autism
Grew up on my grandads farm in Sussex helping out and then did work experience in the last two years of school on a dairy farm which later lead into Apprenticeship
Started apprenticeship on dairy farm in 2016 done all feeding scrapping bedding and calf rearing.
2018 went working on a contracting for the summer and Christmas where I learnt a lot of tractor based work,
2019 started work as one of the main tractor drivers on a mixed beef dairy and arable farm and learnt more tractor work
Have a can do attitude and always willing to learn can do wide aspects of tractor work from silage operations to light cultivation and all aspects of trailer work and loader work. Always willing to go that extra mile.
Start: 30/04/2025 Finish: Not Specified
South West
in south west or south east