CV Ref No. CV Reference No. - 79831

My name is Ints,im 38years old and im hard working latvian and have experience in dairy farm, like scraping yards, feeding cows, slurry spreading,fencing, some building repair jobs. Im willing to learn and im very reliable person!

Qualifications and Experience
Relevant qualifications

Not listed

Type of farming wanted

Mainly Arable, Mainly Livestock, Mixed Farming, Other

Other qualifications

I finished high school at my original country and have experience what i learn in my life and while working at dairy farms

Driving Licence

Full Car Licence

Equipment experience

Tractor, Combine, Ploughing, Telehandler/Fork Lift, Fencing

Livestock experience

Dairy, Pig, Calving

Other equipment experience

Have experience on John Deer, Class, Massey Ferguson, Valtra, Marshal, Renault tractors. Have a little bit expirience on harvester Claas Lexion 680. Good expirience with telehandler, like JCB, Manitou and Claas. Some expirience with plowing, grass mowing! Im very good with silage carting, slurry spreading with tanker, good skills with TMR feeding wagon, straw chopper, scraping tractors. Willing to learn about new duties at farm and more tractor work! Have experience in froklift truck driving. Don't have any problem to learn new things. Always listen to boss or manager,never argue with college's or anyone whith who i need work. Im very nice, friendly,tidy and thirsty for new knowledge

Other livestock experience

Been working with dairy stock about 220 milking cows, plus 120 followers. Mostly like yard man,but i really want to learn more about farming, have a little experience with milking. Been assisting to calving many times. Can't trim and dont know much about AI,but can assist if needed. Good understanding about feeding! Calf feeding, injecting if needed! I'm quick learner and I'm very reliable person! Never late,always punctual. If job starts 4am,ill be there no matter what. As im 4 boys father, i have different goals and priorities in life,which are work hard,earn more and give my family a better life! Im kind and comfortable with animals! From my side, i can promise to do any job given to me by 120%. I don't like leave a job half done, always trying to finish the job what I have started! I won't let you down, as that's one of my best features and i have lots of them!

Personal information


Other Information

I'm a smoker, but very careful where im smoking! Never smoke in the house!



Marital status

Married and have 4 boy's.



Where are you currently living?


First language

Latvian, English, Russian

Do you have the right to work in the UK?


Other languages



Fishing and camping and activities with my family

Pen picture (Height, weight etc.)

My height is 190cm,weight is about 115kg.

Relevant health problems

No major problems

Farming background

2015-2016 dairy farm in Northern Ireland, worked with 120 milking cows, feeding, scraping, all tractor works

2016-2018 dairy farm in Latvia, worked with 100 milking cows, feedin, scraping, bedding

2018-2021 dairy farm in England, working with 220 milking cows, plus 120 young stock. Feeding, bedding, scraping,slurry tanking, silage carting and many other duties!

2021-2024,Doncaster-forklift truck driver

2024-till now, Lancaster dairy farm with 400 milking cows and 250 followers


Start: 25/03/2025 Finish: Not Specified

Preferred region


Type of job


Where would you like to work?

Location isn't important. Just need a place where to work, learn new things about farming. Should be with accommodation, because im with family everywhere i go

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