I am a farm worker with preference for working with cereal and vegetable work but I am also experienced in dairy. I am a keen tractor driver. I have worked all over the UK & in the USA to improve my skills & experience and am used to long working hours. Work anywhere.
Mainly Arable, Mixed Farming
BTEC Level 2 in equine BTEC Level 3 Agriculture
Full Car Licence, Tractor Licence, International
Tractor, Ploughing, Tracked Machine, Telehandler/Fork Lift, Fencing
Dairy, Beef, Sheep, Lambing, Calving, Poultry
Tractor experience also ability to drive a tele handler and hold a license
Use of RTK and soil samplers.
Flail/ hedge cutting and other PTO driven implements.
Harvest work using cultivators, toppers, bulk and box trailers
experience of all lambing aspects. Dairy mastitis control, drying off, calving, dehorning, worming, feeding, injecting, drenching, foot work. Six-month placement in the US where I worked on a 900 acre milking farm. This was a MAST University of Minneapolis International student placement. I milked a 250 Holstein herd in a 16/32 herringbone. My duties included twice daily milking (4.14am-8.30am & 3.34pm- 7pm) & all general farm chores including: tractor driving, scraping out, feeding, tending to the calfs etc.
I am very self sufficient, enjoy learning from each new farmer & their team that I work for and hope to take away from each farm a new learning experience My long term goal is to be a shepherd,... one day !
Love with my partner and dog. I have lived in at college and on farmhouse accommodation in USA so am well used to fending for myself. I am half welsh half Scottish and still have relatives in both countries.
Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire
A lot of reading, horse riding and snowboarding when I have the chance.
5 ft 7 inc 10st 10
No health problems at all.
Equine & Agricultural college student Various dairy & 8 month placement in Minnesota USA dairy farm , lambing - Cumbria & Wale. Don't let the fact I'm a girl put you off !, I'm very hard working & willing to travel. Other work including tractor driving, crop cleansing, farm machinery general maintenance,
Start: 31/05/2025 Finish: Not Specified
East Midlands
I have no preference