Currently working as a full time shepherd running 1800 ewes. I previously worked as a sheep and beef stock manager for 5 years in New Zealand. Highly motivated and experienced with outdoor lambing and regenerative farming practices.
Not listed
Mainly Livestock, Mixed Farming
Level 5 PITO in sheep & beef production management
Full Car Licence
Tractor, PA1, PA2, Telehandler/Fork Lift, Fencing
Beef, Sheep, Lambing, Calving
Competent in a tractor/loader/tele handler.
Also have ATV/UTV
I have managed 7,500Su in New Zealand, a mix of Angus cattle and perendale ewes lambing outside. I also managed the finishing bulls on fodder beet and grass rotations. Before going to New Zealand I worked as a head shepherd so also have experience of indoor lambing and calving. Currently running 1800 breeding ewes on an outdoor forage based system.
Married with 1 year old daughter
Train sheepdogs
2016-2021 New Zealand stock manager.
2021-present shepherd running 1800 ewes on an arable estate.
Start: 01/04/2025 Finish: Not Specified