CV Ref No. CV Reference No. - 111426

I am a student at the royal agricultural university. Looking for a placement for over the summer I have 3 year worth of general farm work experience and 2 harvest worth of experience. I have a tele handler licences and a full drivers licences. I can start from the end of may.

Qualifications and Experience
Relevant qualifications


Type of farming wanted

Mainly Arable

Other qualifications

working at heights and MEWP certification and telehandle ticket and a full clean English driving licence.

Driving Licence

Full Car Licence

Equipment experience

Tractor, Telehandler/Fork Lift, Other harvesters

Livestock experience

Not listed

Other equipment experience

I have spent the moronity of my time on driving Fendt and John Deere. I have perform carting roles and primarily and secondary cultivation while working with my previous employer .

Other livestock experience


Personal information


Other Information




Marital status

I would be living on my own.


United Kingdom

Where are you currently living?


First language


Do you have the right to work in the UK?


Other languages



Outside of work I enjoy motocross working on my mf 35 and mountain biking.

Pen picture (Height, weight etc.)


Relevant health problems


Farming background

Staring in 2022 I began my work experience with MJ SC COLLIS and did basic work round the the yard and help performed mechanics in the workshop. while working in 2023 a student drop out and I was offer to take a full time harvest position. driving a Fendt 724 and 18 ton Richard Western trailer. Once harvest was completed I carry working with Mj Sc Collins while at collage on the weekend and on a Friday and Wednesday. This would involve me doing lots of different jobs such as making a muck fork ,cultivation ,carting equipment , loading the drill and spreader . when 2024 harvest came I left MJ SC Collins and went to Essex Farms and carted with a John Deere 6215r and a 16 ton HM grain trailer. Once harvest was completed I left and went to the Royal Agricultural University to study Farm management and Agriculture. where I am currently.


Start: 19/05/2025 Finish: Not Specified

Preferred region

East Anglia

Type of job


Where would you like to work?

I would like to work on an arable farm to gain experience for my university degree.

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