An experienced hard working lambing assistant.
City and Guilds
Mainly Livestock
Level 3 agriculture diploma
Currently studying level 3 agriculture extended diploma
Full Car Licence, Tractor Licence
Tractor, PA1
Beef, Sheep, Lambing, Calving
Over the many years working on farms I have been able to operate many types of equipment for example being able to operate UTVs and ATVs when gathering livestock and using them for other general tasks. I am confident in towing livestock boxes and have done this many times before behind tractors and behind 4x4s and have my animal transport(short journeys) certificate to show I know all legislation. I can also operate tractors with many types of equipment.
Over many years I have gained experience by working on different farms and also on my own farm to gain experience, by doing this it has allowed me to be able to gain key skill's in monitoring the health of sheep flocks at lambing and throughout many other times of the year. I am confident in all aspects of livestock husbandry and lambing and am able to pursue all tasks and challenges that are put in front of me. I have worked with Scottish blackface sheep on a hill farm and now currently on 2 sheep farms running 800-900 Suffolk mule sheep, so I have experience in different ways of farming and how farms are run differently. Alongside sheep I am also a keen advocate of beef farming and the 2 farms I currently work on also run beef cattle one is running pedigree south Devons and the other a commercial saler and south Devon cross herd. Therefore I have a wide understanding of sheep farming I am also interested in beef farming which come hand in hand in many ways of administering medication and other husbandry skills.
United Kingdom
Levels 3 agriculture diploma
Currently studying level 3 agriculture extended diploma
Business grade 5
Maths grade 5
Geography grade 4
Chemistry grade 4
English grade 4
Design and technology grade 6
PA1 (2024)
Animal transport (short journeys)(2024)
Full UK driving license (11/24)
Tractor driving license (11/23)
I live on a small farm in Tavistock Devon where we keep a herd of pedigree Hereford cows and a flock of commercial Suffolk mule sheep. I am currently in the middle of a flock of 800 Suffolk mule sheep lambing throughout February where I have had hands on experience, from the first of march I am carrying on my lambing to another flock of 900 Suffolk mule sheep. I also spent 6 months last year as part of my course on the Dartmoor prison farm. I am very passionate about livestock and to be able to fit this lambing assistance job along side my level 3 agriculture course will allow me to gain further experience to pursue my intention to become a farm manager in the future. I have assisted with the lambing process for over 900 ewes, ensuring proper care for both ewes and lambs along side this although I am young and enthusiastic I have many years of experience and have been involved in many difficult lambings. On both farms I have worked all triplet lambs are tubed with colostrum at a young age and I am competent in doing this, alongside them being taken away and being fed. I am able to work in a team or on my own. I am confident in spotting problems quickly and being able to administer the relevant medicines if required.
Both my parents work full time along side running our small farm, my dad currently works on a 160 cow dairy unit as a herdsman while also running our farm at home. My mum currently works for a local vets practise full time doing all Tb testing administrations.
Daniel Edwards steel framed buildings, Devon-
May to September 2023.
Erecting steel framed buildings and associated concrete works during this period of time after finishing my GCSEs.
NH and MJ Cole Princetown Devon- October 2023 to June 2024. Running park of the Dartmoor prison farm with scotch blackface and swaledale sheep breeding mule lambs. Over this time I worked as a general farm worker while studying at college. This mainly involved livestock work along with some tractor driving.
Messrs R L Toop and sons Yelverton Devon-
June 2024- present
A beef and sheep enterprise currently running a herd of 200 suckler cows and a flock of 900 Suffolk mule sheep with all lambs being sold to Kepak. While working here I am involved in mainly livestock tasks. Currently all offspring from the beef herd are sold as forward stores. I have also been involved in the selection for slaughter of these lambs.
A T and R C Edwards
The home farm of beef and sheep consisting of 20 suckled cows being some south Devon cows and my herd of pedigree Herefords. We also run 80 breeding sheep comprising of pure beulah ewes and Suffolk and texel mule sheep.
C********* farm partners
January 2022- present
The farm consists of 300 head of beef cattle including 100 pedigree south Devon cows breeding pedigree breeding bulls along side a flock of 750 Suffolk mule sheep. I started working here from a very young age and am currently still working here as part of my college course.
Work experience
During me week of work experience at college I worked gained experience in dairy farming on a dairy farm in Somerset with 800 dairy cows and 800 followers milking in a rotary parlour
From a young age I have shown a keen interest in the breeding and health of livestock I gained these skills from working alongside my parents when not at school and college and working on other farms. I have always had a keen interest in pedigree Herefords at a young age of 12 I saved up enough money to purchase and establish my own herd of pedigree cows, from starting of with one cow I now have a strong herd of 10 with allows me to bring in extra income through selling breeding bulls to beef and dairy farms. This year I have also founded my own sheep flock which consists of pure Beulahs with the intention of breeding high quality mule lambs for commercial sheep flocks. This has allowed me to manage my own breeding animals along side gaining experience at other farms. I am always looking for new ways to make profit around the farm and as of 3 years ago we had an empty lambing shed for 11 months of the year so I took action and purchased rearing calves throughout the summer months to gain extra profit from empty spaces. I am also an active member of my local Tavistock young farmers where I am able to take part in different events including social and livestock judging. With my Herefords I attend local shows with them where I have been successful in winning different classes and silver ware.
Start: 04/04/2025 Finish: 30/04/2025