Hardworking enthusiastic person with a good sense of humour, I work well in a team and alone, excellent problem solving skills. I'm always keen to learn new skills and gain knowledge from those with more skill. I'm an excellent tractor and trailer driver with safety the main priority.
Not listed
Mainly Arable
Pa1 and Pa2a
Full Car Licence
Tractor, Ploughing, PA1, PA2, Telehandler/Fork Lift
Not listed
I'm a skilled trailer driver having just finished a season with a local contractor. In the past I have been a driver for carting cereals, potatoes, sugar beet and silage. I have also been ploughing, working ground with a power harrow, cultivating stuble, applied fertilser, used self propelled sprayer and most other general tractor work.
I was herd manager for 180 Holstein cross cows plus followers, responsible for the day to day management of the farm and the dairy unit reporting to the owner.
Just returned to farming after 20 plus years in construction. Prior to construction I worked on various farms from dairy to large arable(8000 acres) carting corn and potatoes and self propelled spraying. I've been self employed for 24 years, I'm hardworking , punctual and aim to do the best possible job I can in everything I do. Working in construction means accuracy, cleanliness and planning are vital to make a job run smoothly and profitably.
United Kingdom
Garden, walking, nature
5ft7" 15st
Worked on a local farm during school holidays from 1983-1987
Engineering at college 87-89 broke my ankle June 89, several operations required, returned to college to sit missed exams May/June 1990
June 1990 to May 1991 gamekeeper on an estate
General farm work on a 270 ha estate May until September 1991 mainly trailer work for silage and corn, bale stacking and transport, fieldwork such as power harrow, rolling, some ploughing.
September 1991 to mid November 1991 potato harvest on 3000ha farm
Mid November 1991 to February 1992 builders labourer
February 1992 to May 1995 general farm worker on 180ha dairy farm duties including muck spreading, silage trailers, mowing, tedding and rowing grass.
May 1995 to June 2000 herd manager on 270 ha estate mentioned above in tied cottage, duties included buckrake silage, muck spreading, small baling, stacking and moving, corn trailer, power harrow, subsoiling, some ploughing, spraying
June 2000 to November 2000 spraying with self propelled 24m Househam sprayer then potato harvest on the trailers
November 2000 self employed builder
October 2006 to date started my own business completing full refurbs, barn conversions, new builds and extensions, registered HETAS engineer for log burner installations
Currently driving for a local contractor when needed on modern machinery
Start: 30/06/2025 Finish: Not Specified
Anywhere on mainland uk,