Currently working in westruther looking to go to a farm thats a bit smaller currently on a 5000 acre farm willing to so anything bar dairy
Not listed
Mainly Arable, Mixed Farming
Nc agriculture as of 2018
Full Car Licence
Tractor, Baler, Ploughing, Drilling, Telehandler/Fork Lift, Fencing
Dairy, Beef, Sheep, Lambing, Calving
Forklift test renewed as of November 2021
Feeding bedding, clipping, dosing and animal management
Fiance with first child
United Kingdom
Meet friends and family
6 foot
2017-2018 nc agriculture at borders college
2019-2022 gfw Grantshouse doing feeding, bedding, ploughing, cultivating, drilling, rolling, fertiliser spreading, fencing, Calving, lambing carting grain, straw and dung, general animal health with sheep and cattle
2022- June 2024, dairy hillend farm Slamannan
Daily maintenance and upkeep of 2 lely robots, bedding, feeding, slurry
spreading, dung spreading, silage carting, tedding, raking, power harrowing, baling, wrapping, hay and straw carting, grain carting, workshop maintenance
June 2024-current, grain, silage and straw bale carting and then done 3 months feeding tmr to cattle
Start: 24/01/2025 Finish: Not Specified